What is it?
A Google Form used to collect information about church announcements, mission opportunities, events, etc.
It is designed to gather information important information you may not think to share. Taking the time to answer each question thoughtfully makes all the difference in the promotion of your event.
Who should use it?
This form is for those on staff and in other leadership roles (committees, teams, small groups, etc.)
Please note, it is not necessarily the responsibility of the group leader to fill out the form. We recommend assigning the task to someone who excels in communication and is able to easily use Google Forms.
Where can I access it?
You can always access the form at the top of this page by going directly to wamegoumc.org/communicationrequest. If you forget the url, you can search "communication request" in the search bar on our website.
You might also find it helpful to save the form to your bookmarks.